er42a - Missouri Coteau |
er42b - Collapsed Glacial Outwash |
er42c - Missouri Coteau Slope |
er42d - Northern Missouri Coteau |
er42i - Glaciated Dark Brown Prairie |
er43a - Missouri Plateau |
er43b - Little Missouri Badlands |
er43c - River Breaks |
er43e - Sagebrush Steppe |
er43j - Moreau Prairie |
er46a - Pembina Escarpment |
er46b - Turtle Mountains |
er46c - Glacial Lake Basins |
er46d - Glacial Lake Deltas |
er46e - Tewaukon/Big Stone Stagnation Moraine |
er46f - End Moraine Complex |
er46g - Northern Black Prairie |
er46h - Northern Dark Brown Prairie |
er46i - Drift Plains |
er46j - Glacial Outwash | er46j - Prairie Coteau |
er46l - Prairie Coteau Escarpment | er46l - Minnesota River Prairie |
er48a - Glacial Lake Agassiz Basin | er48a - Beach Ridges and Sand Deltas |
er48c - Saline Area |
Based on Ecoregions developed by the EPA this map describe areas of general similarity in ecosystems and in the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources, as well as similarity of climate that can assist North Dakota gardenders.