er46e - Tewaukon/Big Stone Stagnation Moraine |
er46k - Prairie Coteau |
er46l - Prairie Coteau Escarpment |
er46m - Big Sioux Basin |
er46o - Minnesota River Prairie |
er47a - Loess Prairies |
er47b - Des Moines Lobe |
er47c - Iowan Surface |
er47g - Lower St. Croix and Vermillion Valleys |
er48a - Glacial Lake Agassiz Basin |
er48b - Beach Ridges and Sand Deltas |
er48d - Lake Agassiz Plains |
er49a - Peatlands |
er49b - Forested Lake Plains |
er50a - Lake Superior Lacustrine Clay Plain |
er50b - Minnesota/Wisconsin Upland Till Plain |
er50c - St. Croix Pine Barrens |
er50m - Mesabi Range |
er50n - Boundary Lakes and Hills |
er50o - Glacial Lakes Upham and Aitken | er50o - Toimi Drumlins |
er50q - Itasca and St. Louis Moraines | er50q - Chippewa Plains |
er50s - Nashwauk/Marcell Moraines and Uplands | er50s - North Shore Highlands |
er51a - St. Croix Outwash Plain | er51a - St. Croix Outwash Plain |
er51i - Big Woods | er51i - Alexandria Moraines and Detroit Lakes Outwash Plain |
er51k - McGrath Till Plain and Drumlins | er51k - Wadena/Todd Drumlins and Osakis Till Plain |
er52b - Paleozoic Plateau/Coulee Section | er52b - Rochester/Paleozoic Plateau Upland |
Based on Ecoregions developed by the EPA this map describe areas of general similarity in ecosystems and in the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources, as well as similarity of climate that can assist Minnesota gardenders.